Frequently Requested Information


  • Parking Information
  • Filing Motions
  • Court Security
  • Probation
  • Court Hours
  • ADA Information
  • Need an Interpreter?
  • Job Announcements
  • Helpful Phone Numbers

For: Will County Courthouse
       14 W. Jefferson Street
       Joliet, IL 60432

From the North:

South on I-55 (Stevenson Expressway) to Rt. 53 exit. Follow Rt. 53 South into downtown Joliet. The Will County Courthouse is located on the SE corner of Ottawa (Rt. 53) and Jefferson Street. Public parking is available in the courthouse parking lot just East of the Will County Courthouse or at the City of Joliet parking decks located on Ottawa Street (1/2 block North) or Scott Street (4 blocks North). There are also a limited number of parking meters located around the Will County Courthouse.

From the South:

Exit North on Rt. 53 (Chicago Street) approximately 1 mile. Chicago Street leads directly into the main courthouse parking lot. Public parking is also available at either of the City of Joliet parking decks located on Ottawa Street (1/2 block North) or Scott Street (4 blocks North). There are also a limited number of parking meters located around the Will County Courthouse.

From the East:

Take Rt. 30 (Cass Street) West to Ottawa Street (South). Proceed approximately 4 blocks to Washington Street. Turn left (East) on Washington 1 block where you will find the main courthouse parking lot on your left. Public parking is also available at either of the City of Joliet parking decks located on Ottawa Street (1/2 block North) or Scott Street (4 blocks North). There are also a limited number of parking meters located around the Will County Courthouse.

From the West:

Take Jefferson Street East to Ottawa Street (South). Proceed approximately 1 block to Washington Street. Turn left (East) on Washington 1 block where you will find the main courthouse parking lot on your left. Public parking is also available at either of the City of Joliet parking decks located on Ottawa Street (1/2 block North) or Scott Street (4 blocks North). There are also a limited number of parking meters located around the Will County Courthouse.

Please note that parking main Will County Courthouse parking is extremely limited during the peak hours of 9 AM -11 AM and 1 PM-3PM. During these times you may wish to park in the City of Joliet Parking Decks located on Ottawa Street or Scott Street.

Jurors should follow the parking instructions provided in their summons.  Jurors who opt to park in areas(courthouse or otherwise) other than the designated juror area are responsible for paying the parking fee along with any tickets that they might incur.

Motions may be filed with the Circuit Clerk's Office at each of their three locations:

  1. Will County Courthouse, 14 W. Jefferson Street, 2nd Floor, Joliet, IL  60432
  2. Will County Court Annex Building, 57 N. Ottawa Street, 2nd Floor, Joliet, IL  60432
  3. River Valley Justice Center, 3200 W. McDonough Street, 2nd Floor, Joliet, IL  60435

Please note that Court personnel are not allowed to provide legal advice.  If you have specific questions of a legal nature regarding the filing of Court paperwork, please contact a licensed attorney of your choice.

Basic Instructions for Filing an Appearance and Answer in Civil Matters

An appearance and answer are two different documents, which must be filed at the Circuit Clerk's Office.  In addition to filings these documents with the Clerk's office, you must mail copies to all parties (or their attorneys) associated with the lawsuit.

To file an appearance:

Appearance forms are available at the Circuit Clerk's office.  This form must be completed and filed at the counter along with the required filing fee.  The Clerk's Office may advise you of the necessary fee by calling the general information number at (815) 727-8592.

To file an answer:

Answer forms are not available at the Clerk's office.  An answer is your response to the complaint which has been filed by the plaintiff.  To file an answer, you must first file your appearance.  Using a copy of the complaint, take a blank sheet of paper and legibly print or type the top heading, incliding the names of all parites with the designation of plaintiff or defendant as well as the case number.  List each allegation contained in the complaint (by number) and admit or deny each individually.  This answer much then be filed with the Circuit Clerk's office and copies must be served on all parties of record. 

After filing the appearance and answer, you (or your attorney) must appear on the date assigned by the Court.  Please note that the failure to file a proper appearance and answer may result in a Default Judgment being entered against you. 



Normal operating hours at the Will County Courthouse are 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday—Friday. The courthouse may only be entered through the Northeast and Southeast only. 

The following items are expressly prohibited from the Will County Courthouse:

  • Weapons (or any item that may be used as a weapon in the opinion of Court Security Officers)
  • Recording devices
  • Cameras (without the permission of the Chief Judge)
  • Scissors
  • Pepper sprays or Mace
  • Food or beverages

Pursuant to Administrative Order 95-47, the amendment to modified amended Administrative Order 93-6 of the Circuit Court of Will County, the following rules shall apply within the courtrooms, hallways, stairwells and other public areas of the courthouse:

  • No wearing of stocking caps or hats having bills, beaks or visors in the courthouse.
  • No use of profanities.
  • No display, demonstration, publication and / or throwing of gang signs.
  • No fighting.
  • No obstructing the movement of any person within the courthouse.
  • No wearing of chain belts, and metal belts resembling weapons and ammunition.

The Adult Probation Department is located at the Will County Court Annex Building, 57 N. Ottawa Street, Joliet, IL 60432. They may be contacted at (815) 727-8446.

The Juvenile Probation Department is located at the River Valley Justice Center, 3200 W. McDonough Street, Joliet, IL 60431. They may be contacted at (815) 730-7120.

The Juvenile Detention Department is located at the River Valley Justice Center, 3200 W. McDonough Street, Joliet, IL 60431. They may be contacted at (815) 730-7070.

The Courthouse, Court Annex and River Valley Justice Center are open from 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday except for official court holidays.

Saturdays the Courthouse (only) is open from 8:30 a.m. for bond court/weddings.

Persons requesting special assistance pursuant to the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) should complete the following form as promptly as possible prior to the court date that the accomodation is requested.  The form may be mailed, faxed or e-mailed to the following address:

Will County Courthouse
Court Disability Coordinator
14 W. Jefferson Street
Joliet, IL  60432
Phone: (815) 727-8540
FAX: (815) 727-8817
e-mail:  aswanson@willcountyillinois.com 

ADA Accomodation Form (.pdf file)

Supreme Court of Illinois' Policy on Access for Persons with Disabilities  

Court-appointed foreign language interpreters are utilized in civil and criminal matters.  Sign language interpreters are also available for all cases whether criminal or civil in nature.  To ensure adequate time to schedule sign language interpreters, arrangments should be made through the Office of the Chief Judge at (815) 727-8540 as early as possible.  A court order requesting an interpreter will be required and must be signed by the judge the case is assigned to.

Electronic amplification devices are available for use and may be requested by contact the Chief Judge's Office or Chief Bailiff at (815) 727-8535. 

Will County Court Services Job Announcements:

Currently there are no employment opportunities posted for the 12th Judicial Circuit Court, Will County Illinois. Click here to see Additional Career Opportunities at Will County.

Office of the Chief Judge - 815.727.8540

Office of the Circuit Clerk- 815.727.8592

Court Administrator - 815.774.4575

Court Reporter Supervisor - 815.774.7854

Jury Commission - 815.727.8612

Law Library - 815.727.8536

Mandatory Arbitration - 815.774.4575

Adult Probation - 815.727.8446

Public Defender- 815.727.8666

River Valley Justice Center - 815.730.7155

River Valley Juvenile Detention Center - 815.730.7050

State's Attorney - 815.727.8453

Will County Adult Detention Center- 815.740.1250

Will County Bar Association -815.726.0383

Will County Legal Aid- 815.727.5123

Will County Office Building - 815.722.5515

Will County Sheriff- 815.727.8892